Digital marketing? Six strategies to learn and 11 mistakes to avoid

Written by AP | PORTUGAL | 20-Sep-2019 10:07:46

Although it's true that digital marketing can be used as a means of expressing yourself online, it's also true that it is defined by the use of countless strategies and digital platforms in order to take advantage of the fact that customers and potential consumers spend a lot of time online.

We are talking about an array of activities a company undertakes online with the aim of attracting customers, as well as creating successful relationships and developing a brand identity. Therefore, it is advisable to use different strategies in partnership with a language services company qualified to carry out a variety of functions such as inbound marketing strategies, localisation and even translation of content.

In light of this, and with the help of Hubspot, we list here some examples and strategies of digital marketing:


The overriding principle is that content is everything and websites act as a kind of showcase for your brand.

Hence, to be able to sell more of your product or service, it is necessary to produce well-written, quality content that is, most importantly, optimised for search engines.


Platforms that benefit from SEO:

  • websites;
  • blogs;
  • infographics.



There is no escaping this reality: An SEO specialist knows exactly how to include keywords on your website as well as on the landing page's blog content. Besides, it is common knowledge that you must rely on an SEO professional if your objective is to see significant final results.

Whilst it is true that the right keyword will help to improve the positioning of your site and content on searches carried out through search engines, it must be exactly related to what your brand represents. When people search on the internet, they expect to find exactly what they are looking for.


Content marketing

There is no inbound digital marketing strategy that can survive without content marketing.

One cannot exist without the other and alone they are doomed to fail. Why? It is through the content on your website or blog that your brand will grab the "attention of your audience" and, just as important, "make them stay surfing your website for longer".


Platforms that can benefit from your content marketing strategy:

  • blog posts;
  • e-books;
  • infographics.
  • leaflets.

Before moving onto the next point, it should be emphasised that any content marketing strategy must be supported by SEO, link building, CTA's, landing pages and forms.



Social media marketing

The name basically says it all. In practice, this will involve promoting your brand and content on different social media. And what is the aim? To increase brand awareness, direct traffic and generate leads to your company.


Platforms where social media marketing can be achieved:

  • Facebook;
  • Twitter;
  • LinkedIn;
  • Instagram;
  • Snapchat;
  • Pinterest.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

It is the method that directs traffic to your site. One of the most common forms of PPC is AdWords, by Google, but it still uses paid ads on Facebook, promoted tweets on Twitter and sponsored messages on LinkedIn.


What you can gain:

1. Brand positioning

From the moment that your company manages to stand out on Google, brand engagement increases, boosting the chances of your brand appearing before competitors' on the world's largest digital platform.

2. Finding the right audience

And, as if this wasn't enough, it is possible to make your ads reach the right target audience, since AdWords relies on different forms of market segmentation, such as keywords, as well as demographic and geographic data.

3. Cost control

AdWords gives complete control over the amount invested in the platform, letting you set how much you spend per month, how often and on what campaigns.

4. Performance report

AdWords reports investment made, providing information about the number of impressions and click rate. Or rather, insights that let companies improve or that help in their decisions to invest in what gives them the best results.


E-mail marketing

Email marketing is an excellent way to communicate with your audience, generally used to promote content, discounts and events.

As well as, of course, to direct customers to your company website.Types of email marketing:

  • Blog signature;
  • Follow-up emails for website visitors that download content.
  • Welcome emails to customers;
  • Prompts or email newsletters to encourage the customer.


Inbound marketing

Inbound marketing; it cannot be left out. It is the new method that reverses the process: the potential customer is the one who finds your company, thanks to content published on the internet through various platforms, ranging from blogs, videos and social media. One fact is obvious: the options are endless, making inbound marketing a challenge for companies.


The four essential pillars of inbound marketing

The four essential pillars of inbound marketing

  1. Attracting visitor traffic;
  2. Turning visitors into leads;
  3. Turning leads into customers;
  4. Attracting and keeping your customers so that they become your brand's ambassadors.

According to Hubspot, through inbound marketing "companies grab the attention of internet users that have a genuine interest in their products or services". In this sense, it is an appropriate strategy for companies, whatever their size, that encounter difficulties in qualifying leads. [...] It is a systematic method to turn visitors into leads and leads into customers.


11 digital marketing mistakes

At AP Portugal Tech Language Solutions we have solutions and human resources that can enhance your digital marketing strategy from the first time you choose the CMS to the translation and localization of content, SEO and even SEA.

Anyway, we think we should warn you about the mistakes you can't make when investing in a digital marketing strategy. That is why we have compiled a list of the 11 most common mistakes that are still made today in the area of digital marketing.

  1. Not knowing inbound marketing;
  2. Not using email marketing;
  3. Not having a digital marketing strategy;
  4. Not investing in the company's website;
  5. Not promoting content on social media;
  6. Highlighting the importance of the company and not the product;
  7. Not knowing the company's buyers personas;
  8. Not understanding the buyer's journey (Awareness, Consideration and Decision);
  9. Not investing in SEO;
  10. Not producing relevant content;
  11. Disregarding the site layout, blog, CTA or landing page.

Our final note is simple: don't venture into the challenging universe of digital marketing, make sure you first understand where you stand and also, choose to make the journey with experts in such demanding areas as implementation of multilingual SEO, SEA, translation and content localisation.
This text was not written by a native English speaker, but by a language lover. However, all our language services are always provided by native speakers.



AP | PORTUGAL Tech Language Solutions is a Portuguese translation company certified by the International Quality Standard ISO 17100. The company offers a wide range of language services, which include translation (TEP), post-editing machine translation (PEMT), transcription, desktop publishing and subtitling, voice talent, software and website localisation technology, SEO and consulting. It invests enthusiastically in the development of partnerships and cooperation anywhere in the world where your organization may need a partner for the African, Brazilian and European Portuguese language