Books on localisation, newsjacking and buyer personas on social media? Take a peek

Written by AP | PORTUGAL | 27-Feb-2020 12:32:24

The truth is that in this "information era" knowing the difference between "more knowledge" and "better knowledge" has become even more important.

The principle can be applied in the area of language and technological services, and it makes content curation a challenge which AP PORTUGAL takes on with the same enthusiasm that we have had since our foundation, incorporating elements of the future into the present.

First up,

Ever heard of newsjacking? Newsjacking is when a brand or firm mentions or creates a campaign centered around a major, well-discussed news item. Recently, there have been examples of brands that have chosen to newsjack rather than create a totally original storyline for their campaigns. Why is that? The answer can be found in this article, where you’ll find five great examples. Watch these two videos as a starter.

Video 1

Video 2


Localisation is a concept that you can't lose sight of. The topic, often addressed in AP PORTUGAL blog posts, is worth revisiting given Wordbee's interesting approach, which in this post recommends some books for those who know, that when planning to go global, international companies and organisations often need services that go beyond translation - a fact which shouldn’t be overlooked.



In the Portuguese version of AP PORTUGAL’s blog this week, we addressed the need for companies and organisations to ensure the creation of buyer personas, a topic that Rebecca White explores in her interesting approach to social media. You can check it out here and understand how defining a social media target audience is similar to drafting a company's buyer personas.

To conclude, we’d like to mention an announcement that the European Commission is actively seeking 50 Irish-language translators. The news was released in mid-February and the fact that the application deadline is March 17, 2020 - St. Patrick's Day, will touch the hearts of the Irish.

Last but not least, Mário Júnior, CEO of AP | Portugal Tech Language Solutions, recommends a video that reminds us why we should all say no to racism.




AP | PORTUGAL Tech Language Solutions is a Portuguese translation company certified by the ISO 17100 International Quality Standard. The company offers a wide range of language services, which include translation (TEP), post-editing machine translation (PEMT), transcription, desktop publishing and subtitling, voice talent, software and website localisation technology, SEO and consulting. It invests enthusiastically in the development of partnerships and cooperation anywhere in the world where your organization may need a partner for the African, Brazilian and European Portuguese language.

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